Compassionate ADHD Coach for Young Adults and Teens

I am a integrated coach who will help you bring your social, emotional, physical and academic life into balance. Let’s make your goals a reality and get you on YOUR right path.

I am here for:

Consistant Private Sessions

Goal Setting for Your Academic, Social, Financial and Physical Well Being

Social, Time Management, Emotional and/or Relationship Support

Help with Overwhelm and Chronic Stress

Assistance with ADHD Symptoms

Executive Function Development

Support for Creative and Sensitive Individuals


Shame and Guilt Free Environment

For the past 15 years, I have been committed to helping individuals return to balance and find success.

This might sound familiar

  • I’m overwhelmed and distracted by finances, friends, family, classes, and my unstructured time.

  • I’m behind and I need help getting back on track, but there’s just too much to do. Where do I start?

  • I have a good day, then something happens and I’m derailed again.

  • My life and future feels out of control, I wish I had someone to help me navigate forward.

  • My family often doesn’t understand how difficult this is for me.

  • I went to college straight from high school and it didn’t work out. I’m starting again, but really nervous about it.

  • I spend too much time on my phone.

  • I am definitely studying the wrong thing, but I’m scared to change it now.

  • Everything is due at once, and I can’t figure out how to get everything completed and turned in on time.

Don’t hesitate to start working with Laura

Working with Laura is wonderful. I always leave our sessions feeling calm, grounded, and able to proceed from a place of deep wisdom. Her intuition and use of coaching tools is powerful. She’s gentle and kind in her approach so the sessions flow easily. I highly recommend Laura.
— - Client

I believe this …

Can you get there too?

You hold the power to change the situation.

There is nothing wrong with you.

Executive function issues have nothing to do with intelligence.

You are capable of navigating a way out of your current situation and getting onto your right track.

Your goals are attainable.

You are resilient.

I came to Laura for help in deciding what to do after my college graduation. In just a few sessions, she helped me go from being completely overwhelmed to making a decision that I was confident in, even in the face of situations that would have made me doubt myself without her help. She is a fantastic listener and asked extremely good questions that helped tease out all the aspects of the decision that were at the root of my indecision. I continued to work with Laura, and she was instrumental in helping me get through my final semester. I have no idea what I would’ve done without her help! She saved me a ton of mental anguish and time spent pouring over a decision that became clear thanks to her help.
— Client

Working with an ADHD Coach can help you:

1)   Gain a deeper understanding of what’s keeping you stuck

2) Stay consistent and on track with your current goals

3)   Decrease fear about your future and formulate a post high school or college plan

4)   Feel better physically and mentally

5)   Develop a plan of action to help you move toward your goals

6)   Make better decisions

7) Gain a more clear perspective on the present and future

8) Know that someone is always on your side

Taking your place in the world starts with what you believe about your right to be here.
— Sari Solden, MS and Michelle Frank, PsyD

This program is for you if :

You feel like you need help with confidence or consistency.

Your life has so many things happening at once, and you do best with someone on your side.

You may have dyslexia, diagnosed or undiagnosed.

You have ADHD or ADHD like tendencies that has made school difficult in the past.

You have had some starts and stops throughout college.

Your difficulties with executive function make it hard to stay focused on all of the moving parts in school, work, friends, family, etc.

You’re a creative or right brained person and you are determined to make it through a linear high school or college system.

You have big dreams and need someone to help you reach them.

The crux of the ADHD journey has as much to do with letting go of the false beliefs you have about yourself as it does with adding tools and strategies.
— Sari Solden, MS and Michelle Frank, PsyD

What does ADHD Coaching include?

We start with an introductory coaching session to help determine goals and strengths.

From there,we meet for three sessions each month.

In between sessions, we have mid-session check ins via text. If desired.

This process creates a virtual container to hold all of your goals and dreams. Plus you’ll always have someone on your side.

We’ll continually reflect on other questions such as: What did you learn about yourself? What’s next? How can you improve? And what went well? You’ll be able to take all the awareness and skills into your next semester, off to college or into your post graduation life.

Laura helped me get my tangled brain organized, and tried to help me take more time for myself (without feeling shame). The check-ins throughout the week help me stay on track, and she’s always willing to adjust the plan if it isn’t working.
— A.D., client


If you are ready to connect with Laura, there are three ways to schedule a free introductory call for ADHD Coaching:

1) Call or text Laura at (206)852-4020

2) Request an appointment via email here

3) Access our online scheduler here

About Laura Reeves:

I understand how difficult your late teens/early twenties can be, and I believe it’s even harder now. There are more distractions and the world is moving so quickly. Once things get out of control, recovery becomes a harder process. That’s where I come in.

I am a compassionate and caring mentor, coach and educator and have spent the last 15 years helping kids, teens and adults find solutions to help them move forward in their lives. Many of my clients find me after they’ve experienced defeat.

When we work together, I’ll guide you by using my unique method — which combines multiple coaching modalities, which include: Certified Life Coach (ACC/ICF), Mentor Coach (CMC), mind-body centered coach, ADHD coach and energy healer.

I’m passionate about helping individuals not only succeed,but also feel really good about themselves.

Are you ready for this too?