• The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

    In addition, coaching is a collaborative process where a coach helps individuals or groups set or achieve specific goals, improve skills, overcome obstacles, and develop personally and professionally/academically. It’s about empowering people to unlock their potential and make meaningful changes in their lives.

    ADHD coaching is a specialized form of coaching designed to support indivduals with ADHD or ADHD-like tendencies. Coaches help clients understand their ADHD symptoms, understand the parts of their lives that are impacted, develop strategies to manage their challenges related to organization, time management, focus, and impulsivity, and create tailored plans to achieve their goals. ADHD coaches provide accountability, encouragement, and practical techniques to help clients thrive in various aspects of their lives.

  • Some coaches charge hourly rates – anywhere from $150 – $350 and more. Other coaches offer a package rate for the entire time that you work together. Think of this more as a personal trainer for your life. The coach and client have a 45-60 min call, where you discuss goals, challenges, what’s getting in your way, how your strengths can help and progress that’s been made. The coach listens actively, asks powerful questions to help you gain insights, provides feedback, and offers strategies and tools tailored to your needs. Together, you explore solutions, set action plans and establish accountability measures to support your growth and development.

    You aren’t paying your coach for an hour of time. You are paying for your goals, your change and growth, and a safe and supportive space where you can work towards achieving your desired outcomes.

    For Laura’s specific pricing, please contact her directly.

  • Parents often find Laura initially, so she is always happy to have an introductory call with them first. Then, she will have a second call with your teen or young adult child, her prospective client. That’s when the coaching process and relationship begins and your teen or young adult child will decide if they’d like to move forward. If the parent is responsible for payment, they will be considered the sponsor.

    If your child or teen is resistant to coaching, Laura is available for ADHD parent coaching. This can definitely help your home and your child’s academic life.

    So parents, feel free to get in touch and you can start to get your child on the path to success!

  • ICF certified coaches adhere to a very high standard of ethics. Please see the ICF Code of Ethics for more details.

  • As a certified ICF coach, Laura has been trained to be trauma informed. When a client requires the services of a licensed therapist, she works with the client to create a plan around that, as needed. Many of her clients have therapists in addition to Laura as their coach, and the combination can be quite powerful and effective.

  • Definitely! Within the first 30 days of coaching, Laura offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you show up, dive into the work fully, are willing to really look deeply into what is holding you back, do the work in between sessions, you will make huge progress over time. And that is a guarantee.

    In addition, all of Laura’s contracts are non-binding and can be terminated by either party at any time.